Ce site est en anglais, avec votre aide je la traduira en Francais plus tard.  

My name is Gert Gremmen, I live in the countryside (with girlfriend and cat) of France near the wonderful town of Chauffailles in an old "corps de ferme" on 5000 m2 of meadows.

I took my retirement in 2018 and after acclimatisation of several years i decided to pick up my old hobbies again: radio and electronics.

Before that i professionally operated a test agency in EMC (CEM) and radio in Rotterdam, The Netherlands since 1995.

I was so lucky to find the Radio Club of Lyon relatively nearby (on French scale) , and in addition to meeting a large club of sympathetic radio enthiousiast they have a large club facility, making numerous activities possible.

License   I obtained my radio license in november 2023 in France . Therefore the name of the web site. I obtained an NL domain due to the complexe system in france and the low price.

Is the license of the:

Radio Club de Lyon (Association Lyonnaise des radioamateurs REF69) F8KLY.

Group meteo  

Join our meteo group , and present your capabilities :

  • Domenico F1VDE
  • Hervé F4FRC
  • Serge F4LCB:

De formation technique, j'ai obtenu le BAC F3 en 1977. J'ai toujours baigné dans la technique, avec un frère aîné passionné par la radio. J'ai été cibiste longtemps, j'ai failli passer la licence en 1978, mais j'ai été rebuté par la pratique du morse, obligatoire a l'époque. Les activités professionnelles et la vie ont mis tout ça en sommeil pendant... plus de 45 ans. La retraite puis l'arrivée du CoVid ont permis le passage de la licence à 65 ans en 2023, et la découverte des différentes facettes de cette belle passion qu'est la radio.

For now i (gert) i have operating a NOAA APT receiver that fully automates the reception of images. An example is given to the right. If you click on my name the site page will open presenting you the 30 latest images.

NOAA 19 March 2024

My Shack        

Right now i am building the 14HAM-DK02 radio (décametrique) designed by Fred F4JGL . Once the transmitter part has been build and tested i will construct a decent outdoors antenna and soon after thati will try my first QSO


2650 microprocessor

In 1978 i graduated in Electronics on one of the first microprocessors on the market, the Signetics 2650. As i was working as an intern in the Application lab of Philips (Elcoma) in Eindhoven, i had early access to the technology.

I rebuild that project in 2022 with modern components and wrote some (assembler) software for it, notably a 8K debugging monitor. I still have PCB's available (10x10) for other nostalgiques. There are stillsome users of the 2650 world wide, and it has a niv=ce architecture suitable for learning.


I am still looking (build a few) for a ideal distorsion free sinusgenerator (to build myself of course) for audio purposes.


I refurbished my 1976 HiFi active loudspeakers (still nice after 50 years) (100+50+50 watt)

and as a reference bought two sets of Philips MFB loudspeakers (MFB 544 & MFB587) that qualify as semi-studio monitors.

I am collecting vintage Sony Audio equipment.

I picked up an old Philips N4522 26" reel-to-reel recorder. Absolute top. Needs repair of course.Found a broken PCB inside.

At the same time a Grundig CF5500 cassette-deck.


I am subscribed to Elektor since 1974 and have most (dutch) editions available for those looking for them


I learn painting and drawing at the local arts club, located in the wonderful local Castle of Chauffailles, where we have our permanent painting studio and exposition room in the attic.

(C) A. Rodriguez  

I started observing the stars/constellations using a telescope, but my eyes prevent me to look and operate a telescope at the same time.

And its cold by night. i Want to operate it using remote Hi-res video camera, such as my Canon.

Made some nice (but very basic) pictures without telescope with my Canon modifed for IR .



Most of my IT systems (including this PC, le Box Fibre and the NOAA setup) run 24/24 on 4 300Wp solar panels with 220 VA 24 V batteries. MPPA charger from Victron. PC automotive supply PicoPSU-80-WI-32V


Current Professional Activities

I am retired, but still working as a free-lance consultant for The European Commision (DG-GROW)as HAS consultant. My job (among 2 other consultants) is to assess the legal and technical suitability of Radio and EMC standards (ISO,CEN/IEC, ETSI) for use as harmonised standards. Most new standards pass one of our 3 desks, before being published in the OJ-L .




    (C) 2024